Brentwood Primary School is located on the corner of Dawson and Moolyeen Roads in Brentwood.
Brentwood Primary School is a local intake area school, meaning we have a defined catchment area. You can check Schools Online to see if your address falls within Brentwood Primary School’s catchment zone. Applications for a place at Brentwood Primary School can be made at any time during the year, by completing an Application for Enrolment Form.
We also offer specific timelines for application and entry to our Kindergarten and Pre-Primary programs, with applications due by the end of July for commencement in the following year.
Follow these easy steps to enrol your children
Step 1
Contact us for an application for enrolment form (6258 6950 or The school can help you with your application.
Step 2
Submit your application for enrolment at your local school as soon as possible along with copies of:
- your child’s birth certificate (telephone the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages on 1300 305 021 if you do not have one)
- your child’s Immunisation History Statement (visit the Department of Health for instructions on how to obtain this statement)
- proof of your current address (eg recent accounts for electricity, water and telephone, bank details)
- copies of Family Court orders for confirmation of proof of name or custody arrangements.
Step 3
You will receive a letter, phone call or email from Brentwood either offering a place (as per the Regulations) or indicating that no place is available.
Step 4
If you have an offer of a place and want to accept it, visit the school to complete the enrolment process.
Applying for Kindergarten
Western Australia now has immunisation laws that will help to better protect our children and the wider community from vaccine-preventable diseases.
When you enrol your child in Kindergarten you will need to provide your child’s current Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement, which shows your child is ‘up-to-date’ with all the scheduled immunisations (according to the National Immunisation Program) for their age. This Statement must be no more than two months old.
If you would like to know more about the immunisation requirements, obtaining an AIR Immunisation History Statement or how to access immunisation services go to HealthyWA.
In most cases, your child will be offered a place at your local public school linked to your local school. However, if the number of Kindergarten applications exceeds the number of places available, you may be referred to a nearby Kindergarten which has places available. Every effort is made to accommodate your child in a school as close as possible to your home.